What is your Purpose?

From the Bible - Job 42-2  "I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted."

With anything in life, you need to have a purpose!  We all want things, achieve things and work for things; this all can be manifested by having a purpose.  Without getting too philosophical, it really means your "why" you do things.  Without purpose, your energy will become negative, negative energy will manifest into many things like loss of self-confidence and the loss of self-confidence will make your feel depressed, anxious or non-productive. 

The first thing we must realize, we all, as individuals, have the right of choice!  You decide when to get up, if you want to get up or if you choose stay in bed.  We can often camouflage our choices into false obligations, like being a parent who has to get up because one has young children, as an example.  In the end, if we simplify things, if you can accept the idea that you have choices and make choices every second of every day; this will be a good stepping stone for our topic.

Then there are those who wake up in the morning, stub their toe and it ruins their day.  Others, it seems, that if they stub their toe, they react to the pain and seem to be able to shrug it off, almost immediately.  The only difference between these two people, is that one made the choice to shrug it off and the other one didn't.  I think, the one life lesson we should all become familiar with, is to teach ourselves, how we react to those moments in life that do not go our way.  How long it takes to change negative energy to positive energy.  I am not suggesting, in any way, that there are those who live life like a Teflon pan and nothing sticks to them and they are always positive and nothing gets them down; that is not being human.  But, some of us, they have learnt how to change energy level relatively quickly and this allows them to fulfill more of what they want to achieve or their purpose.

The "why" we do what we do, is what we all need to ask ourselves.  Not answering that question based on what others want us to be or what we think they think of us or fear or insecurity.  This requires some reflection and a hint, it always comes from the heart.  Most think with the head and their answers can be misguided because they are answering questions posed by ego.  Some define ego as the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.  Your gut feeling, your subconscious or your intuition; these are the attributes you need to employ when answering the question of your "why"!

Most of these answers are also not about making lots of money.  Sure, money is a tool that allows us to purchase many good things; but by itself it does not fill your heart with the "why".  In another profession, I was overachieving and setting goals, based solely on ego and really focused on me and not my surrounding.  I was monetarily very successful and when I reached that million dollar mark, I remember it, like it was yesterday, I was not happy?  I did not feel satisfied and in fact, felt alone; regardless of my marriage and children.  My "why" came from ego and not the heart.  Had it been the heart, then encompassing my marriage, family and community, the result would have been more fulfilling because society would have benefited from my "why"?  Doing things for the love of others; rather than to please others, is another good life lesson and philosophy.

Make sure to write down your "why".  Be patient, it will not come in the first 5 minutes, in fact it may take you a while.  Our conscious mind and ego will find you the "whys"; but that is not  coming from the heart.  Writing it down, also will give it some reality.  Put these ideas together, work with them, fine-tune them and reduce them down to one or two.  Love and peace throughout the world is great; but can you explain the "why" that will impact and benefit you?  Once you have this "why", post it in plain sight and read it as often as you can.  You will begin to feel this purpose every day and it will be the stepping stone to creating your plan, path or road.

Send me your comments and share within your social network.  Thanks for reading!


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